Wednesday 10 June 2015

Artists Of Influence - Natasha Searston

Natasha Searston

Searston also worked on the Chinese water bottle packaging back in February in 2015, which sells in luxury restaurants, bars and hotels. The bottles are shaped like a water droplet and the range features 8 designs, each depicting a different species of local flowers or animals, alongside a fact about the region.

Her illustrations are so detailed, they create a powerful idea in the viewers minds. 

I find this illustration so interesting! The irony behind it is so correct. The bird is the only part of this design that is in colour, showing that the bird is free to be who he or she wants, whether as the people are trapped, and in black and white - showing sadness. 

White against a black negative space makes the illustrations stand out further. The flowers are beautifully designed, showing life and blossom. The bird is so delicately created. The way the bird is drawn creates a perfect angle of its flight. 

This is pure illustration and captures my eye instantly. For me, it looks like the people are climbing around the buses, bumping into each other and each thing they see. 

I adore this design as it is so easy to real and as I look deeper into the design, I notice how much detail has been designed and included.

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