Tuesday 23 June 2015


I am really pleased with my final designs as they show a clear link between each other and the overall theme works really well. I was very inspired by designer Lauren Hom and her christmas designs, which were laser cut on a wooden slate. I was also inspired by Wetherspoons Gary Coopers restaurant and bar because of the theme they had going. They used a lot of various shades of browns, especially for the seating area, the walls, the flooring and up at the bar. This creates a cosy atmosphere and a strong colour theme, making it instantly recognisable. I wanted to be able to create a similar feel to my restaurant, making the customers feel comfortable and relaxed, and I feel I have managed to do that well.

The name creates a sophisticated theme. It is very simplistic, however this makes it work better with the rest of the designs as they a quite busy pieces of design. I really like the glow at the back because this makes it stand out against any background it is placed on, even white, making the designs and future designs even more sophisticated. The little logo in the corner adds a little touch of fun. The texture of the overall logo starts of the wooden cabin theme, linking all my designs and the corporate identity. I am really pleased in the way that the name and logo work really well together.
The logo itself is very basic and less elegant that the actual name, which I can instantly see and would change if I was to repeat this area of the project. The handle for the mug is elegant, with a cute little tail at the bottom, however the overall size itself is too bulky. The type placed at the top of the mug in reverse type creates a calm atmosphere, almost like it's showing the customers a little of what they should be expecting when they walk in.

I am so happy with the front design of the menu. It creates a professional, elegant yet fun theme, which is exactly what I wanted. The typeface for the name is really easy to read and understand, even from a distance which is good, especially for the younger and older generation. I used photographs that I took myself and edited the opacity to create a gallery effect, linking to the name of the restaurant.

I am really pleased with the final outcome for the back of the menu, as it looks sophisticated, yet has a quirky feel to it. The background gives it this quirky feel because of the texture. I took photographs of various tree barks and edited my favourite image in photoshop. This way the texture of the bark is very well shown, with all the grooves creating a professional, interesting piece of design. I feel that the typeface used for the body copy is very easy to read, making it simple for the customers to read and choose what they want in an easy fashion. The typeface used for the subheadings links to the name, as it is the same typeface, however I did increase the tracking of each subheading so it makes it easier for the customers in any age to read. I chose reverse type because it is a lot easier to read against the textured background, rather than black type. I decreased the opacity of the images I used to create a relaxed feel, as I didn't want the images to overpower the design of the menu. I developed the bottom of the menu so  that they were able to stand up in menu holders. I find the overall shape of the menu is quirky and very eye catching. The younger audience will be very interested in the shape as it is very different to what is already on the market. This makes the overall corporate identity of the restaurant/cafe stand out immensely.

The wall designs create a fun atmosphere, aiming to attract the attention of the younger audience. I designed simple illustrations that grab the audience's attention, using strong colours and easy images that would be easy to understand what they are illustrating.

Promotional Ideas

As my target audience is has grown and developed since I started this project, both the younger generation and older generation are going to feel comfortable eating in my cafe.
For the younger audience, I could introduce various small events though out the year. For example, at Easter time, I could arrange for an Easter egg hunt in and around the small area where my cafe is situated. This will grab consumers attention and create a wider range of customers too, attracting not only the children, but the parents, meaning they will pass this information on to other families they may know.
For the older generation, most prefer the quieter life. Therefore creating advertising campaigns that show the relaxing side of the cafe. This will grab everyone's attention, making this restaurant a talked about affair.

Wall Designs

When thinking of the designs to go on the wall, I definitely want and need them to link with the theme of the overall cafe. Photography is definitely an effective idea because it is very appealing to the human eye. Photographs of the food I sell and the nature around the situated area will catch the customers attention. It is another method to show what I am selling and it shows the beauty of nature.

Small illustrations of the food I sell and the nature is also a great way to show of my talent, and it is amazing to view, I say this from experience, as I love looking at various artistic and graphical pieces of work when I am in a restaurant or cafe as it makes it a lot more interesting. I want them to be fun, attracting the younger audience.

Friday 19 June 2015

Final outcome

The Name and Logo

The Menu Design - Front and Back

Menu Design Development

I started sketching ideas for the shape of the menu. 
I started with the shape of the menu, and really liked the idea of a gallery, framework, quirky shaped menu, as it was different from any other menu designs I have seen and that I have come up with.

I looked at different ways to lay out the boxes, different shapes and sizes, however I came back to the original layout as this looked more funky and equal. 

I then looked at the layout of the menu, where the text would go and where the images would be placed. 

 This is the final rough idea for the front of the menu. I also looked at a view idea how it could be designed, what materials and what I am able to include. 

This is the initial ideas for the back of the menu design:

The front design on the MAC:

The back design on the MAC: 

Logo Development

This is the layout of my initial ideas for a logo design:

The first idea outline:

Type placement:

I changed the handle of the mug to create a more delicate look and added a wooden texture, linking with the theme:

What I am going to be selling

  • Coffee - Expresso, Cappuccino, Americano, Caffe Latte, Caf Mocha (Mocha chino), Caramel Macchiato
  • Hot Chocolate
  • Hot Chocolate, cream and marshmallows
  • Tea
  • Milkshakes - Chocolate, Strawberry, Banana
  • Coke, Lemonade, Fanta
  • Juice - Apple, Orange, Black current
Ice Creams and Lollies
  • Sundae's - Chocolate brownie, Raspberry ripple
  • Mr Whippy - with added flake or sprinkles
  • Rockets
  • Nobbly Bobbly
  • Fab
  • Mini Milk
  • Fruit flavoured lollies - Orange, Lemon, Strawberry, Coke, Lemonade
  • Tea and scones - with cream and strawberry or blackberry jam
  • Butterfly cupcakes
  • Banana cake
  • Carrot cake
  • Chocolate fudge cake
  • Chocolate brownies
  • Shortbread - can be dipped in chocolate
  • Jam and cream doughnut
  • Chocolate Eclair
  • Jam sponge cake
  • strawberry sponge cake
  •  Cheesecake - Raspberry, Chocolate, Strawberry
  • Chocolate Gateaux 

I may give them quirky names to link with the theme, however this is not necessary, because there is already a lot going on.